Tuesday, June 23, 2009


org len???...
kalo pk org len mmg x hbs...
-org len pandai
-org len kaye
-org len bahagia
-org len blaja oversea
-org len ad boyfren hensem....

kesimpulannye... mmg x habis...
letih+sedih+kecewa je ad la...

kadang2 kte dpt byk sgt smpai nk lg byk...

pk2 byk2 pn bkn bley wat pape pn...
actions speak louder than thougts.....hehe...quotes bru...
blaja kt mana x pntg kn??~~
yg pntg look forward...it's never too late...
i have to believe in myself...i can go through anything from now on...
i will be the bestest!!~~~
i want to win this round!!~~
i know i can do it!!~~
i luv myself!!~~
n everyone that care for me!!~~hehe....

go irah....go for your dream!!~~

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

my first post~~~lalala

bru je blk dr driving school... boring sgt2... dhla tggu berjam2 nk tggu driver psm hntar balik.... panas btol... hehe... first post pn dh nk marah2... apela irah ni.... sbnrnye bkn ad masa ngat nk men blog2 ni... tp ni dh thp boring melampau... tu yg tulis benda2 mengarut ni...